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Colorful Book Spines






Refereed Journal Articles

*indicates a student co-author at the time of publication.cates a student co-author at the time of publication.


  1. Alhabash, S., Smischney, T.M., Suneja, A., Nimmagadda, A., & White, L. (In press). So similar, yet so different: hot motivations to use Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok predict problem use and use continuance intentions. Sage Open.

  2. McAlister, A.R., Alhabash, S., & Yang, J. (2023/2024). Artificial intelligence and ChatGPT: Exploring current and potential future roles in marketing education. Journal of Marketing Communication. [Published online first] 

  3. Strukel, D., White, L.*, & Alhabash, S. (2023). The good, the bag, the ugly: Predictors of positive and negative experiences of traditional and nontraditional graduate students. Journal of Adult and Continuing Education. [Online First]

  4. Alhabash, S., Dong, Y.*, Moureaud, C., Muraro, I.S., & Hertig, J.B. (2022). Effects of humor appeals in public service announcements (PSAs) on intentions to purchase medications via social media. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19, 12340.  

  5. Alhabash, S., Park, S.*, Smith, S., Hendriks, H., & Dong, Y.* (2022). Social media use and alcohol consumption: A 10-year systematic review. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19, 11796.

  6.  Yousef, M.*, Dietrich, T., Rundle-Thiele, S., & Alhabash, S. (2022). Emotional appeals effectiveness in enhancing charity digital advertisements. Journal of Philanthropy and Marketing, 27 (4), e1763 DOI: 10.1002/nvsm.1763  

  7. Jiang, M., Rifon, N.J., Cotten, S.R., Alhabash, S., Tsai, H.Y.S., Shillair, R., & LaRose, B. (2022). Bringing older consumers onboard to online banking: A generational cohort comparison. Educational Gerontology, 1-18.  

  8. Hussain, S. A., & Alhabash, S. (2022). Effect of nostalgia as a motivational force for depressed students to seek professional psychological help. Journal of American College Health, 70(2), 484-492.

  9. Moureaud, C., Hertig, J., Dong, Y.*, Muraro, I.S.*, & Alhabash, S. (2021). Purchase of prescription medicines via social media: A survey-based study of prevalence, risk perceptions and motivations. Health Policy, 125(11), 1421-1429.

  10. Alhabash, S. (2021). Humanizing advertising education: Reflection and insights for post-pandemic pedagogy. Journal of Advertising Education, 25(1), 6-12.

  11. Alhabash, S.A., Mundel, J., Deng, T., McAlister, A., Quilliam, E.T., & Richards, J.I. (2021). Social media alcohol advertising among underage minors: Effects of models’ age. International Journal of Advertising,

  12. Hussain, S.A., & Alhabash, S. (2020). Nostalgic emotional valence and its effects on help-seeking in depression. An application of the theory of planned behavior. Health Communication.

  13. Lou, C. & Alhabash, S. (2020). Placing socially responsible alcohol ads on social media: The roles of warning size and warning integration in the efficacy of alcohol ads among underage youth. Journal of Interactive Advertising.

  14. Alhabash, S., Kanver, D., Lou, C., Smith, S., & Tan, P.-N. (2020). Trick or drink: Offline and social media hierarchical normative influences on Halloween celebration drinking. Health Communication.

  15. Burt, S.A., Kim, M., & Alhabash, S. (2020). A novel, in-vivo measure of cyberaggression. Aggressive Behavior.

  16. Hussain, S. A., & Alhabash, S. (2020). Effect of nostalgia as a motivational force for depressed students to seek professional psychological help. Journal of American College Health.

  17. Smith, S., Alhabash, S., Kanver, D., Tan, P.-N., & Viken, G. (2019). Celebration drinking around the clock. Health Communication. DOI: 10.1080/10410236.2019.1625007

  18. Corrigan, J. R., Alhabash, S., Rousu, M., & Cash, S. B. (2018). How much is social media worth? Estimating the value of Facebook by paying users to stop using it. PLoS ONE, 13(12): e0207101. [viewed over 41K times on the PLoS website and covered by over 100 outlets globally].

  19. Alhabash, S., VanDam, C., Tan, P.-N., Smith, S. W., Viken, G., Kanver, D., Tian, L., & Figueira, L. (2018). 140 Characters of intoxication: Exploring the prevalence of alcohol-related tweets and predicting their virality. Sage Open.

  20. Kircaburun, K., Alhabash, S., TosuntaÅŸ, S. B., & Griffiths, M. D. (2018). Uses and gratifications of problematic social media use among university students: A simultaneous examination of the big five personality, social media platforms and social media use motives. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction,

  21. Young, R., Miles, S., & Alhabash, S. (2018). Attacks by Anons: A content analysis of aggressive posts, victim responses, and bystander interventions on a social media site. Social Media + Society.

  22. Almutairi, N.*, Alhabash, S., Hellmueller, L., & Willis, E. (2018). The effects of Twitter users’ weight and gender on viral behavioral intentions toward obesity-related news. Journal of Health Communication.

  23. Alhabash, S., Almutairi, N.*, Lou, C.*, & Kim, W.* (2018). Pathways to virality: Psychophysiological responses preceding likes, shares, comments, and status updates on Facebook. Media Psychology.

  24. Burt, S. A., & Alhabash, S. (2017). Illuminating the nomological network of digital aggression: Results from two studies. Aggressive Behavior, 44(2), 125-135.

  25. Lou, C., & Alhabash, S. (2017). Understanding non-profit and for-profit social marketing on social media: The case of anti-texting while driving. Journal of Promotion Management.

  26. Alhabash, S., & Ma, M.* (2017). A tale of four platforms: Motivations and uses of Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat among college students. Social Media + Society, January-March 2017, 1-13. DOI: 10.1177/2056305117691544.

  27. Jiang, M.*, Tsai, H.-y., S.*, Cotten, S. R., Rifon, N. J., LaRose, R., & Alhabash, S. (2016). Generational Differences in Online Safety Perceptions, Knowledge and Practices. Educational Gerontology, 42(9), 621-62304. DOI: 10.1080/03601277.2016.1205408.

  28. Alhabash, S., McAlister, A. R., Kim, W. *, Lou, C. *, Cunningham, C. *, Quilliam, E. T., & Richards, J. I. (2016). Saw it on Facebook, drank it at the bar! Effects of exposure to Facebook alcohol ads on alcohol-related behaviors. Journal of Interactive Advertising, 16(1), 44-58. [Nominated for “Best Article” award, American Academy of Advertising].

  29. Tsai, H.-y. S.*, Jiang, M.*, Alhabash, S., LaRose, R., Rifon, N., Cotton, S. R. (2016). Understanding online safety behavior: A protection motivation theory perspective. Computers & Security, 59, 138-150.

  30. Alhabash, S., Almutairi, N.*, & Abu Rub, M. (2016). Just add a verse from the Quran: Effects of religious rhetoric in gain- and loss-framed anti-alcohol messages with a Palestinian sample. Journal of Religion and Health, 56(5), 1628-1643: DOI 10.1007/s10943-015-0177-4.

  31. Alhabash, S., McAlister, A. R., Lou, C.*, & Hagerstrom, A.* (2015). From clicks to behaviors: The mediating effect of viral behavioral intentions on the relationship between attitudes and offline behavioral intentions. Journal of Interactive Advertising, 15(2), 82-96. DOI:10.1080/15252019.2015.1071677. [“Best Article” Award, American Academy of Advertising, 2016].

  32. Alhabash, S., Baek, J.-h.*, Cunningham, C.*, & Hagerstrom, A.* (2015). To comment or not to comment?: How virality, arousal level, and commenting behavior on YouTube videos affect civic behavioral intentions. Computers in Human Behavior, 51(A), 520-531.

  33. Boehmer, J.*, LaRose, R., Rifon, N. J., Alhabash, S., & Cotten, S. (2015). Determinants of Online Safety Behaviour: Toward an Intervention Strategy for College Students. Behaviour & Information Technology, 34(10), 1022-1035.

  34. Shillair, R.*, Cotten, S. R., Tsai, H.-y. S.*, Alhabash, S., LaRose, R., & Rifon, N. J. (2015). Online safety begins with you and me: Convincing Internet users to protect themselves. Computers in Human Behavior, 48, 199-207.

  35. Alhabash, S., McAlister, A. R., Richards, J. I., Quilliam, E. T., & Lou, C.* (2015). Alcohol’s getting a bit more social: When alcohol marketing messages on Facebook motivate young adults to imbibe. Mass Communication & Society. DOI:10.1080/15205436.2014.945651. [“Article of the Year” Award, Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, 2016].

  36. Alhabash, S., Chiang, Y.-h., & Huang, K.* (2014). MAM & U&G in Taiwan: Differences in uses and gratifications of Facebook as a function of motivational reactivity. Computers in Human Behavior, 35, 423-430.

  37. Alhabash, S., Hales, K., Baek, J.-h.*, Oh, H.-J.* (2014). Effects of race, visual anonymity, and social category salience on online dating outcomes. Computers in Human Behavior, 35, 22-32.

  38. Alhabash, S., & Wise, K. (2014). Playing their game: Changing evaluations of Palestinians and Israelis through video game play. New Media & Society. doi:10.1177/1461444814525010

  39. Alhabash, S., & McAlister, A. R. (2014). Redefining virality in less broad strokes: predicting viral behavioral intentions from motivations and uses of Facebook and Twitter. New Media & Society. doi:10.1177/1461444814523726

  40. Peng, W., & Alhabash, S. (2013). Guest editors’ introduction to Meaningful Play special issue. Games and Culture, 8(4), 183-185. DOI: 10.1177/1555412013500710.

  41. Wise, K., Alhabash, S., Eckler, P. (2013). “Window” shopping online: Cognitive and emotional processing of general and specific product windows. Journal of Interactive Advertising, 13(2), 88-96. DOI: 10.1080/15252019.2013.826550

  42. Alhabash, S., McAlister, A., Hagerstrom, A.*, Quilliam, E. T., Rifon, N., & Richards, J. (2013). Between “Likes” and “Shares”: Effects of emotional appeal and virality of anti-cyberbullying messages on Facebook. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 16(3). DOI: 10.1089/cyber.2012.0265.

  43. Kononova, A., & Alhabash, S. (2012). When one medium is not enough: Media use and media multitasking among students in Kuwait. Journal of Middle East Media, 8(1), retrieved from:

  44. Alhabash, S., Park, H. J., Kononova, A., Chiang, Y., & Wise, K. (2012). Exploring the Motivations of Facebook Use in Taiwan. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 15(6), 304-311.

  45. Alhabash, S. & Wise, K. (2012). PeaceMaker: Changing American college students’ attitudes toward Palestinians and Israelis through video game play. International Journal of Communication, 6, retrieved from:

  46. Young, R., Alhabash, S., Rodgers, S., Stemmle, J. (2011). Building the health news agenda in local newspapers: Lessons for health-care managers. International Journal of Healthcare Management (Formerly known as Journal of Management & Marketing in Healthcare, 4(3), 148-159. [Lead Article]

  47. Kononova, A., Alhabash, S., & Cropp, F. (2011). The role of media in the process of socialization to American politics among international students. International Communication Gazette, 73(4), 302-321. DOI: 10.1177/1748048511398592

  48. Wise, K., Alhabash, S., & Park, H. (2010). Emotional responses during social information seeking on Facebook. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 13(5), 555-562.

Colorful Book Spines





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