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Colorful Book Spines


* indicates a student co-author at the time of presentation. 

  1. Lee, H. & Alhabash, S. (2024). Social media influencer tourism marketing as a public diplomacy effort: The effect of influencer’s national identity. Abstract accepted for presentation to the annual meeting of the International Communication Association, Public Diplomacy Division, Gold Coast, Australia.

  2. Issaka, B. & Alhabash, S. (2024). Post-partum depression: information-seeking behaviors among new mothers through offline and online channel. Abstract accepted for presentation to the annual meeting of the International Communication Association, Health Communication Division, Gold Coast, Australia.

  3. Bezbaruah, S. & Alhabash, S. (2024). Moved by cute ads? Effect of Kindenschema dn Whimsical cute elements on consumers’ kama muta and persuasive outcomes: A study of the U.S. and India. Abstract accepted for presentation to the annual meeting of the International Communication Association, Information Systems Division, Gold Coast, Australia.

  4. Kononova, A., Alhabash, S., Huddleston, P., Moldagaliyeva, M., & Lee, H. (2024). Profiling consumers of substandard and falsified medications on social media and e-retail platforms; A 17-country study. Abstract accepted for presentation to the Kentucy Conference on Health Communication, Lexington, KY.

  5. Moldagaliyeva, M.*, Alhabash, S., Huddleston, P., Kononova, A., & Lee, H.* (2024). Applying the theory of planned behavior to study counterfeit consumers in the digital age: A 17-country study. Paper accepted for presentation to the Academy of Marketing Science, Coral Gables, FL.

  6. Moldagaliyeva, M., Kononova, A., Lee, H.*, Huddleston, P.T., & Alhabash, S. (2024). What motivates consumers to buy counterfeits online: A 17-country study. Paper accepted for presentation to the annual meeting of the American Academy of Advertising, Portland, OR.

  7. Alhabash, S., Huddleston, P., Kononova, A., Moldagalyeva, M.*, Lee, H.*, & Kammel, K. (2023). Using psychological factors to identify global counterfeit supranational segments. Abstract presented to the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.

  8. Henley, D.* & Alhabash, S. (2023). Monetary valuation of personal Instagram use. Abstract presented to the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.

  9. Lee, H.* & Alhabash, S. (2023). Defense mechanisms of social media influencers experiencing digital aggression. Abstract presented to the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.

  10. Bezbaruah, S.*, Dong, C., & Alhabash, S. (2023). What if others see it? Investigating effects of eWOM privacy, social tie strength, and product category stigmatization on persuasiveness of eWOM messages on Instagram. Extended Abstract presented to the Information Systems Division of the 73rd Annual International Communication Association, Toronto, Canada.

  11. Alhabash, S., Issaka, B.*, White, L.*, Suneja, A.*, & Smith, S.W. (2022). Does ‘what happens on social media stay on social media’? A TPB analysis of the relationship between platform preference and alcohol posting on Halloween among underage youth. Paper presented to the Health Communication Division of the 72nd annual International Communication Association Conference, Paris, France.

  12. Strukel, D., White, L.*, & Alhabash, S. (2022). The good, the bad, the ugly: Predictors of positive and negative experiences of traditional and nontraditional graduate students. Poster presented to the Instructional and Developmental Communication of the 72nd annual International Communication Association Conference, Paris, France.

  13. Alhabash, S. (2022). What happens on social media stays on social media? Social media use & risky substance use. Invited presentation delivered to the Midwest Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.

  14. [Alhabash, S., Dong, C., & Ma, M. (2022). Using TPB to predict advertising outcomes for products varying in perceived stigma: The case of cannabis products, online dating sites, and food delivery services. Paper accepted for presentation to the annual meeting of the American Academy of Advertising, St. Petersburg, FL.

  15. Park, S.*, Dong, Y.*, Alhabash, S., Hendriks, H., & Smith, S. (2021). Social media use and alcohol consumption: A 10-year systematic literature review. Paper presented to the 107th annual meeting of the National Communication Association, Seattle, WA.

  16. Dong, Y., Alhabash S., Githua, W., & Suneja, A. (2021). [Extended Abstract] Truth default and COVID-19 misinformation: Ability to identify misinformation and COVID-19 beliefs and protective behaviors. Extended abstract presented to the annual meeting of the Health Communication Division of the International Communication Associations [Virtual].

  17. Alhabash, S., Dong, Y., Moureaud, C., Hybels, C., Muraro, I., Nicolas, M., Githua, W., & Hertig, J. (2021). Effects of fear and humor appeals in public service announcements (PSAs) on intentions to purchase prescription medications via social media. Paper presented to the annual meeting of the Health Communication Division of the International Communication Associations [Virtual].

  18. Park, S., Dong, Y., Alhabash, S., Hendriks, H., & Smith, S. (2021). Global differences in research on the relationship between social media and alcohol use. Poster presented to the 6th Biennial D.C. Health Communication Conference [Virtual].

  19. Wen, J., Mundel J., Read, G., Alhabash, S., Wilson, J. (2021). Panel: Translating consumer neuroscience into advertising research and education. Panel to be presented to the annual meeting of the American Academy of Advertising [Virtual].

  20. Dong, Y. & Alhabash, S. (2020). Fighting back or not? The effects of victim response to direct and indirect digital aggression on bystanders. Extended Abstract presented to the Communication Technology Division of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication [Virtual].  

  21. Suneja, A.*, Nimmagadda, A.*, & Alhabash, S. (2020). Motivations to use Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok: Predicting problematic use and continuance intentions. Paper presented to the Communication Technology Division of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication [Virtual].  

  22. Kononova, A., Alhabash, S., Huddleston, P., Deng, T., Kanver, D., Par, N.R., Velazquez, L.G., Smith, A., Hirsch, N., Nimmagadda, A., Dong, Y., & Lynch, K. (2020). Does watching animals in real life and on the screen have the same effect on stress reduction? Paper presented to the Communication Theory and Methodology Division of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication [Virtual].  

  23. Dong, Y., Santos Muraro, I., & Alhabash, S. (2020). Getting away with subtweeting? The effect of post directness on perception of digital aggression. Paper presented to the Communication and Technology Division of the International Communication Association [Virtual].

  24. ​Dong, Y.*, Park, S.*, Hendriks, H., Alhabash, S., & Smith S. (2020). Social media use and alcohol consumption: A 10-year systematic literature review. Paper presented to the Health Communication Division of the International Communication Association [Virtual].

  25. Lynch, K.R.*, Deng, T.,* Hussain, S.*, Lee, O.*, & Alhabash, S. (2019). Context matters! Effects of contextual information on processing of social media ads. Paper presented to the Advertising Division of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Toronto, Canada.

  26. Alhabash, S., Lee, O.*, Kononova, A., Richards, J.I., & Park, N.R.*, Deng, T.*, & Hirsch, J.* (2019). Puffing on Instagram: Effects of puffery claim types on assessment of persuasive intentions and knowledge. Paper presented to the Advertising Division of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Toronto, Canada.

  27. Alhabash, S., Thorson, E., Chen, W.*, Deng, T.*, Kanver, D.*, Ma, M.*, Park, N.R., Hirsch, J., & Smith, A. (2019). Effects of candidate lateral location and eye gaze direction in political ads: Evidence from self-report and eye movement patterns. Paper presented to the Political Communication Interest Group of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Toronto, Canada. 

  28. Lou, C., Alhabash, S., Kanver, D. Smith, S., & Tan, P.-T. (2019). Trick or drink: Offline and social media hierarchical normative influences on Halloween celebration drinking. Paper presented to the Health Communication Division of the International Communication Association, Washington, DC. 

  29. Young, R.Y. & Alhabash, S. (2019). Responding to digital racism: Bystander responses to racist posts on social media. Paper presented to the Communication and Technology Division of the Internationl Communication Association, Washington DC.

  30. Deng, T.*, Mundel, J., Lynch, K.*, Kononova, A., & Alhabash, S. (2018). Predicting cellphone use while driving and walking among college students. Poster presented to the Communication Technology Division of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communciation, Washington, DC. 

  31. Deng, T.*, Hussain, S. A.*, Tham, S. M.*, & Alhabash, S.(2018). Effects of race, attractiveness, and mental health attribution in mass shooting news. Poster presented to the Mass Communication and Society Division of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Washington, DC.

  32.  Kim, M.*, Burt, S.A., & Alhabash, S.(2018). Personality of digital aggressors: Assessing digital aggression in real-time.Paper presented at the 2018 International Society for Research in Aggression biennial meeting, Paris, France.

  33. Burt, S.A., Kim, M.*, & Alhabash, S.A. (July, 2018). Assessing digital aggression in real-time: Validation of a novel laboratory task.  Paper presented at the 2018 International Society for Research in Aggression biennial meeting, Paris, France.

  34. Smith, S.W., Alhabash, S., Tan, P.-N., Kanver, D.*, & Viken, G. (2018). Celebration drinking around the clock. Paper submitted to the Health Communication Division of the International Communication Association, May 24-28, Prague, Czech Republic.  

  35. Deng, T.*, Ma, M.*, Zhao, X.*, Lee, O.*, Hussain, S. A.*, & Alhabash, S.(2018). Psychological well-being and selfie posting on social media: Does posting selfies make you better or worse. Paper submitted to the Communication and Technology Division of the International Communication Association, May 24-28, Prague, Czech Republic.

  36. Lynch, K.*, Mundel, J.*, Alhabash, S., McAlister, A., Quilliam, E. T., & Richards, J. I. (2018). Effects of models’ age on effectiveness of social media advertising of alcohol among underage minors. Paper submitted to the Western Decision Sciences Institute.

  37. Lynch, K.*, Deng, T.*, Alhabash, S., Lee, J.-Y., Hussain, S. A., Torres, A., & Clark, E. (2018). Emotional transfer: How ad processing and evaluations are affected by preceding content. Paper accepted for presentation to the annual meeting of the American Academy of Advertising, March 22-25, New York, NY.

  38. Collins, M. & Alhabash, S. (2018). Emoticulture: How data & science create happiness. SXSW 2018. 

  39. Kim, M.*, Alhabash, S., & Burt, S.A. (2017). Assessing digital aggression in real-time: Validation of a novel laboratory task. Poster presented to the Thirty-First Annual Meeting of the Society for Research in Psychopathology, September 14-17, Denver, Colorado.

  40. Young, R., Alhabash, S., Nelson, M.*, Barnes, M.*, & Torres, A.* (2017). Responding to racism: Bystander responses to racist posts on social media. Paper presented to the Communication Technology Division of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication.

  41. Mundel, J.*, Lynch, K.*, Nelson, M.*, Clark, E.*, Deng, T.*, Hussain, S. A.*, Kanver, D.*, Nieves-Pizzarro, Y.*, Alhabash, S., McAlister, A., Quilliam, E.T., & Richards, J. (2017). Investigating Psychophysiological Processing of Alcohol Advertising on Social Media among Underage Minors: Policy Implications. Paper presented to the Advertising Division of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication.

  42. Lynch, K.*, Deng, T.,* Lee, J.-Y. O.*, Hussain, A.*, Clark, E.*, Torres, A.*, & Alhabash, S. (2017). Is it the ad or what precedes it?: Responses to ads following emotional content: An excitation transfer perspective. Paper presented to the Advertising Division of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication.

  43. Syed, A. H.*, Deng, T.*, & Alhabash, S. (2017). Feel-good smoking prevention messages – Nostalgia vs. Fear vs. Disgust. Paper submitted to the Communicating Science, Health, Environment, and Risk Division of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication.

  44. Jiang, M.*, Rifon, N.J, LaRose, R., Alhabash, S., Cotten, S.R. (2017). Measuring the Dimensions of Consumer Trust in Electronic Banking. 2017 Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference, Coronado Island, CA, May 24-26. 

  45. Hussain, S. A.*, & Alhabash, S. (2017). Easing Depression through Nostalgia. Poster presented to the D.C. Health Communication Conference, Washington, D.C., April 28-29, 2017.

  46. Kanver, D.*, Alhabash, S., Liang, T.*, Smith, S., Tan, P.-N., Vandam, C.*, & Viken, G.* (2017). Celebration drinking with close friends and acquaintances: SMS surveys on St. Patrick’s Day. Panel submission presented to the D.C. Health Communication Conference, Washington, D.C., April 28-29, 2017.

  47. Mundel, J.*, Lynch, K. *, Nelson, M. *, Alhabash, S., Clark, E.*, Deng, T.*, Hussain, S. A.*, Kanver, D.*, McAlister, A., Nieves-Pizzarro, Y.*, Quilliam, E.T., Richards, J.I., (2017). The effect of model’s age on evaluations and behavioral; intentions related to alcohol social media advertisements. Poster presented to the D.C. Health Communication Conference, Washington, D.C., April 28-29, 2017. Top Poster Award.

  48. Lou, C.* & Alhabash, S. (2017). Effects of conspicuity and integration of warning in social media alcohol ads: Balancing between persuasion and reactance among underage youth. Paper submitted to the Health Communication Division of the annual meeting of the International Communication Association, May 25-29, 2017, San Diego, CA.

  49. Cunningham, C.* & Alhabash, S. (2017). Overloaded: Investigating the effects of working memory and perceptual load on attention and memory for online news push notifications. Paper presented to the Information Systems Division of the annual meeting of the International Communication Association, May 25-29, 2017, San Diego, CA.

  50. Kanver, D.*, Viken, G.*, Alhabash, S., Smith, S. W., Tan, P.-N., VanDam, C.*, Tian, L.* (2017). Is it about the celebration or who you think is drinking? Predicting celebration drinking with a revised look at perceived social norms in the age of social media. Paper presented to the Health Communication Division of the annual meeting of the International Communication Association, May 25-29, 2017, San Diego, CA.

  51. Rifon, N.J., Jiang, M.*, Cotten, S.R., LaRose, R., Alhabash, S., Shillair, R.*, & Cunningham, C*. (2017). Educating Elderly Consumers to Safely Use Electronic Banking: A Test of Cybersecurity Education Methods. Paper presented at 2017 Winter American Marketing Association Conference, Orlando, FL, February 17-19.

  52. Viken, G.*, Alhabash, S., Figueira, L.*, Kanver, D.*, & Smith, S. (2016). Posting and interacting with others’ posts about alcohol on St. Patrick’s Day: A survey of college student’ drinking behaviors and norms in the Facebook context. Paper to be presented to the Health Communication Division of the National Communication Association, November 10-13, 2016, Philadelphia, PN. 

  53. Nievez-Pizarro, Y.*, Mundel, J.*, Deng, T.*, Huang, G.*, Kanver, D.*, Johnson, E.*, Lynch, K.*, Nelson, M.*, Timmons, R.*, Alhabash, S. (2016). Cultural Adaptation in U.S. and Mexican Beer Ads: The Moderating Effect of Automatic Bias Against Hispanics on Eye-Tracking Measures. Paper to be presented to the Advertising Division of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, August 4 – 7, 2016, Minneapolis, MN.

  54. Ma., M.*, Alhabash, S., Artis, V.*, Bakle, M.*, Uwimbabazi, F. (2016). Motivations and Uses of Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat: Which platform wins the challenge among college students? Paper to be presented to the Communication Technology (CTEC) of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, August 4 – 7, 2016, Minneapolis, MN.

  55. Cunningham, C.*, Jiang, M. , Day, T., Alhabash, S., Cotton, S., Rifon, N., LaRose, R., Gobachenko, A., & Diane, K. (2016). GIFTS: The power to navigate the Internet safely: A hands-on approach to learn about online safety using protection motivation theory. Paper to be presented to the annual meeting of the International Communication Association, June 9 – 13, 2016, Fukuoka, Japan.

  56. Lou, C.*, Alhabash, S. (2016). It’s not about who says it, it is about whether they should say it: Effects of source type and congruence on persuasiveness of anti-texting while driving PSAs on Facebook. Paper to be presented to the annual meeting of the International Communication Association, June 9 – 13, 2016, Fukuoka, Japan. 

  57. Viken, G.*, Kim, W.*, Alhabash, S., & Smith, S. (2016). An analysis of celebratory drinking and  related Facebook activity on college campuses. Poster presented to the 2016 Kentucky Conference on Health Communication, April 14 – 16, 2016, Lexington, KY. [Top Poster Award]

  58. Cunningham, C.*, Almutairi, N.*, & Alhabash, S. (2016). Investigating the effects of colors on advertising effectiveness: Testing Kobayash’s color theory. Paper to be presented at the annual meeting of the American Academy of Advertising, March 17 – 20, 2016, Seattle, WA. 

  59. Jiang, M.*, Tsai, H.*, Cotten, S., Rifon, N., Alhabash, S., & LaRose, R. (2015). Safe banking online: An investigation of Internet safety literacy and security protection among older adults. Presented to annual scientific meeting of The Gerontological Society of America, November 18-22, 2015, Orlando, FL.  

  60. LaRose, R., Rifon, N.J., Cotten, S.R., Alhabash, S., Jiang, M.*, Shillair, R.*, Rikard, R.V., & Cunningham, C.* (2015 October). Generational Differences in Online Safety Protection Motivation. Paper presented to the Amsterdam Privacy Conference 2015, October 23-26, 2015, Amsterdam, Netherlands. 

  61. Smreker, K.*, & Alhabash, S. (2015). Curbing the effects of cyberbullying: How celebrity gender and attractiveness affect evaluations and behavioral intentikns of anti-cyberbullying Facebook posts. Abstract presented to the Bridging Gaps: Where is the Persona in Celebrity and Journalism conference, hosted by the Centre 

  62. Al-Riyami, A., Almutairi, N.*, Eisele, M. *, Johnson, E. *, Kim, W. *, Lou, C. *, & Alhabash, S. (2015). Psychophysiological responses to likes, shares, comments, and status updates on Facebook. Paper presented to the annual meeting of the Society for Psychophysiological Research (SPR), Seattle, WA. 

  63. Jiang, M. *, Tsai, H.-y. S. *, Cotten, S. R., Rifon, N. J., LaRose, R., Alhabash, S. (2015). Generational differences in online safety perceptions, knowledge, and practices. Paper presented to the Communication Technology (CTEC) Division of the annual meeting of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, San Francisco, CA.

  64. Shillair, R. *, LaRose, Jiang, M. *, Rifon, N. J., Alhabash, S., & Cotten, S. R. (2015). Understanding online safety behavior: The influence of prior experience on online safety motivations. Paper presented to the Communication Technology (CTEC) Division of the annual meeting of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, San Francisco, CA.

  65. Lou, C. *, & Alhabash, S. (2015). The link between affect and behavioral intention: How emotions elicited by social marketing messages of anti-drunk driving on social media influence cognition and conation. Paper presented to the Mass Communication and Society Division of the annual meeting of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, San Francisco, CA.

  66. Almutairi, N. *, Cunningham, C. *, Shiner, K., & Alhabash, S. (2015). Opening the advertising crayon box: Applying Kobayashi’s color theory to advertising effectiveness. Paper presented to the Advertising Division of the annual meeting of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, San Francisco, CA.

  67. Alhabash, S., Ma, M. *, & Wang, W. * (2015). On Facebook, sex does not sell! Effects of sex appeal and model gender on effectiveness of Facebook ads for healthy and unhealthy food products. Paper presented to the Advertising Division of the annual meeting of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, San Francisco, CA.

  68. Alhabash, S., Cash, S., Cunningham, C. *, & Lou, C. * (2015). How much is your Facebook account worth? The monetary value of Facebook as a function of its uses and gratifications using the second-price auction technique. Paper presented to the Communication Technology (CTEC) Division of the annual meeting of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, San Francisco, CA. 

  69. Almutairi, N.*, Alhabash, S., Hellmueller, L., & Willis, E. (2015). The effects of Twitter users’ weight status and gender on attitudes and viral behavioral intentions toward obesity-related news coverage. Paper presented to the Health Communication Division of the annual meeting of the International Communication Association, San Juan, Puerto Rico.

  70. Alhabash, S., McAlister, A. R., Kim, W. *, Lou, C. *, Cunningham, C. *, Quilliam, E. T., & Richards, J. I. (2015). Saw it on Facebook, drank it at the bar! Effects of exposure to Facebook alcohol ads on alcohol consumption. Paper submitted to the Health Communication Division of the annual meeting of the International Communication Association, San Juan, Puerto Rico. 

  71. Alhabash, S., Smischney, T. M. *, Smreker, K. *, Young, R., & Holt, T. (2015). Curbing the effects of cyberbullying: How celebrity gender and attractiveness affect evaluations and behavioral intentions of anti-cyberbullying Facebook posts. Paper submitted to the Communication and Technology Division of the annual meeting of the International Communication Association, San Juan, Puerto Rico.

  72. Alhabash, S., Brooks, B. *, Jiang, M., Rifon, N., LaRose, R., & Cotten, S. (2015). Is it institutional or system trust: Mediating the effect of generational cohort membership on online banking intentions. Paper accepted for presentation to the iConference 2015, Newport Beach, CA. 

  73. Jiang, M. *, Cotten, S., Tsai, H.-y. S., Rifon, N., LaRose, R., & Alhabash, S. (2014). Understanding older generation’s perceptions of online risky behavior in the electronic banking context. Paper presented to the annual scientific meeting of the Gerontological Society of American, Washington DC. 

  74. Yuan, S. *, & Alhabash (2014). Effects of source credibility and virality on evaluations of company response via Facebook: An experiment in online crisis communication. Paper presented to the Public Relations Division of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Montreal, Canada.

  75. Alhabash, S., McAlister, A. R., Lou, C.*, & Hagerstrom, A.* (2014). From clicks to behaviors: The mediating effect of viral behavioral intentions on the relationship between attitudes and offline behavioral intentions. Paper presented to the Advertising Division of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Montreal, Canada.

  76. Alimut-Zeldes, G., Alhabash, S., & Quilliam, E. T. (2014). Are men from Mars and women from Venus in terms of Twitter and Facebook use? And how about whites and non-whites – are they on different planets? Paper presented to Status of Women Commission Interest Group of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Montreal, Canada. 

  77. Alhabash, S., Cotten, S., Tsai, H.-y. S.*, Rifon, N., & LaRose, R. (2014). Understanding generational differences in the relationship between online banking and online security. Paper presented to the Communication Technology Division of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Montreal, Canada.

  78. Lou, C.*, & Alhabash, S. (2014). Beyond gory or happy sensation on Facebook: Effects of emotionality in anti-drunk driving PSAs on college students’ drunk-driving attitudes and behavioral intentions. Paper presented to the Communicating Science, Health, Environment, and Risk of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Montreal, Canada. Top Poster Award, Second Place. 

  79. Smreker, K.*, Smichney, T.*, & Alhabash, S. (2014). Cyberbullying YouTube videos: What makes them different and what makes them viral? Paper presented to the Communication Technology Division of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Montreal, Canada.

  80. Alhabash, S., Almutairi, N.*, Abulrob, M. (2014). Just add a verse from the Quran: Effects of religious rhetoric in gain- and loss-framed anti-alcohol messages with a Palestinian sample. Paper presented to the Media and Religion Division of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Montreal, Canada. 

  81. Jiang, M. *, Rifon, N. J., Cotton, S., Tsai, H-y. S. *, Shilliar, R. *, LaRose, R., Alhabash, S. (2014). Generational differences in electronic banking: Understanding what motivates older generations to adopt. Paper presented to the Service Marketing track of the Summer Marketing Educators’ Conference, American Marketing Association, San Francisco, CA. 

  82. Tsai, H.-y. S.*, Jiang, M.*, Alhabash, S., LaRose, R., Rifon, N., Cotton, S. R. (2014). Understanding online safety behavior in the online banking context. Paper presented to the Communication and Technology Division of the annual meeting of the International Communication Association, Seattle, WA. 

  83. Almutairi, N.*, Willis, E., Hellmueller, L., & Alhabash, S. (2014). Who tweeted what? Effects of race and weight status on memory for obesity online news stories. Paper presented to the Information Systems Division of the annual meeting of the International Communication Association, Seattle, WA. 

  84. Alhabash, S., Baek, J.-h.*, Cunningham, C.*, & Hagerstrom, A.* (2014). Anti-cyberbullying civic participation: Effects of virality, arousal level, and commenting behavior for YouTube videos on civic behavioral intentions. Paper presented to the Communication and Technology Division of the annual meeting of the International Communication Association, Seattle, WA. 

  85. Alhabash, S., Quilliam, E. T., McAlister, A. R., Lou, C.*, Richards, J. I. (2014). Is it me or is it just virality?: How motivational reactivity, attitudes, and viral behavioral intentions for alcohol marketing messages on Facebook predict drinking intentions. Paper presented to the annual meeting of the American Academy of Advertising, Atlanta, GA.  

  86. Hagerstrom, A.*, & Alhabash, S., & Kononova, A. (2014). Emotional dimensionality and online ad virality: Investigating the effects of affective valence and content arousingness on processing and effectiveness of viral ads. Paper accepted for presentation to the annual meeting of the American Academy of Advertising, Atlanta, GA.  

  87. Alhabash, S., Sternadori, M., Kim, S. Y. *, & Yang, J. * (2013). Drinking in 140 characters: Effects of alcoholism risk, motivational reactivity, and racial prejudice on evaluations of anti-alcohol tweets by black and white protagonists. Paper submitted to the 2nd Annual International Conference on Journalism and Mass Communications, Phuket, Thailand.  

  88. Alhabash, S., McAlister, A. R., Richards, J. I., Quilliam, E. T., & Lou, C.* (2013). Alcohol’s getting a bit more social: When alcohol marketing messages on Facebook motivated young adults to imbibe. Paper submitted to the 2nd Annual International Conference on Journalism and Mass Communications, Phuket, Thailand.  

  89. Alhabash, S., Quilliam, E. T., & Alumit-Zeldes, G. (2013). Tell me who you are, I tell you how you use Facebook: Exploring the relationship between motivational reactivity and moral foundations, and the U&G of Facebook. Paper presented to the Communication Technology (CTEC) division of the annual meeting of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC), Washington, D.C.  

  90. Alhabash, S., Oh, H. J. *, Yang, J. *, & Cole, R. t (2013). Alcohol, sex, ‘n’ text messaging: Effects of pro-alcohol and anti-alcohol display ads on evaluations of Texts From Last Night Facebook updates and drinking intentions. Paper presented to the Advertising Division of the annual meeting of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC), Washington, D.C.  

  91. Quilliam, E. T., Alhabash, S., Alumit-Zeldes, G. (2013). Are social media social or commercial? Exposing the motivations to use Facebook and Twitter. Paper presented to the American Academy of Advertising 2013 Global Conference, Hawaii.  

  92. Alhabash, S., Hales, K., Baek., J. H. *, & Oh, H. J.* (2013). Just how white or black are you? Effects of race and stereotype-congruence on evaluations of online daters’ attractiveness and behavioral intentions. Paper to be presented to the Communication and Technology Division of the annual meeting of the International Communication Association, London, UK.  

  93. Sternadori, M., Alhabash, S., Yang, J. *, & Kim, S. Y.* (2013). The moderating effect of implicit evaluations and motivational reactivity on processing anti-alcohol tweets by Native American and white protagonists.  Abstract to be presented to the Information Systems Division of the annual meeting of the International Communication Association, London, UK.  

  94. Alhabash, S., McAlister, A., Rifon, N., Quilliam, E. T., Sternadori, M. & Richards, J. (2013). A different take on virality: The relationship among motivations, uses, and viral behavioral intentions on Facebook and Twitter. Paper submitted to the annual meeting of the American Academy of Advertising, Albuquerque, NM. 

  95. Alhabash, S., McAlister, A., Quilliam, E. T., Hagerstrom, A. *, Yuan, S. *, Rifon, N., & Richards, J. (2012). Between “Likes” and “Shares”: Effects of emotional appeal and virality of social marketing messages on Facebook. Paper presented to the Advertising Division of the annual meeting of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Chicago, IL. Top Faculty Paper, Second Place.

  96. Kononova, A., Alhabash, S. (2012). Gender digital divide?: Facebook uses and gratifications among Kuwait college students. Paper presented to the International Communication Division of the annual meeting of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Chicago, IL.

  97. Huang, K.*, Kononova, A., Chiang, Y.-h., & Alhabash, S. (2012). Psychological individual differences and the U&G of Facebook: The relationship between personality traits and motivational reactivity and the motivations and intensity to use Facebook in Taiwan. Paper presented to the Communication Technology Division of the annual meeting of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Chicago, IL. 

  98. Alhabash, S., McAlister, A., Quilliam, E. T., Rifon, N., & Richards, J. (2012). Between “Likes” and “Shares”: Effects of emotional appeal and virality of social marketing messages on Facebook. Abstract presented at the International Social Marketing (ISM 2012) Conference, Brisbane, Australia.

  99. Kononova, A., Alhabash, S., Zasorina, T., & Diveeva, N. (2012). Media Multitasking and Perceived Attention to Media Messages: A Study of College Students in the United States, Kuwait, and Russia. Paper to be presented to the annual meeting of the International Association for Media and Communication Research, Durban, South Africa. 

  100. Alhabash, S., & Sternadori, M. (2012). Individual differences matter: How motivational reactivity and implicit attitudes moderate the effects of race congruency on the persuasiveness of tailored health messages. Abstract to be presented to Information Systems Division of the annual meeting of the International Communication Association, Phoenix, AZ. 

  101. Alhabash, S., Huang, K.*, Yang, J.*, & Chiang, Y-h (2012). Narcissism, Internet uses and addiction in Taiwan. Paper to be presented to the Communication and Technology Division of the annual meeting of the International Communication Association, Phoenix, AZ. 

  102. Alhabash, S., & Wise, K. (2012). Playing their game: Changing American students’ evaluations of Palestinians and Israelis through video game play. Paper to be presented to the Communication and Technology Division of the annual meeting of the International Communication Association, Phoenix, AZ. 

  103. Alhabash, S., & Wise, K. (2012). When we don’t stereotype: Effects of stereotype reduction on processing and effects of advertising messages. Paper to be presented to the annual meeting of the American Academy of Advertising, Myrtle Beach, SC.

  104. Kononova, A., & Alhabash, S. (2011). When one medium is not enough: Media use and multitasking among students in Kuwait. Paper presented to the annual meeting of the Arab-U.S. Association for Communication Educators, Beirut, Lebanon. 

  105. Alhabash, S. (2011). Navigating the sea of Faces using new media. Panel presentation to the Community College Journalism Association and Small Programs Interest Group teaching panel session: “Navigating the Sea of Faces: Teaching the Large-section Classroom with Skill and Meaning” at the annual meeting of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, St. Louis, MO.

  106. Saunders, C.*, Alhabash, S., & Frisby, C. (2011). ‘What are you talking about?’: Differences in Twitter uses and gratifications between Black and White Twitter users. Paper presented to the Minorities and Communication Division of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, St. Louis, MO. Top Faculty Paper, Second Place.

  107. Alhabash, S., Park, H. J., Kononova, A., Chiang, Y., & Wise, K. (2011). Exploring the Motivations of Online Social Network Use in Taiwan. Paper presented to the Communication Technology (CTEC) Division of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, St. Louis, MO.

  108. Kononova, A., Alhabash, S., Zasorina, T., Diveeva, N., Kokoeva, A., & Chelokyan, A. (2011). Multitasking across borders: Media multitasking behaviors in the U.S., Russia, and Kuwait. Poster presented to Communication Technology (CTEC) Division of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, St. Louis, MO. 

  109. Young, R., Alhabash, S., Rodgers, S., Stemmle, J. (2011). Newspaper journalists and public health professionals: Building the health news agenda in community newspapers. Paper presented to the Health Communication Division at the annual meeting of the International Communication Association, Boston, MA. 

  110. Alhabash, S., Jahng, M., & Wise, K. (2010). Effects of stereotype-reduction on cognitive and emotional processing of advertising. Poster accepted for presentation to the 50th annual meeting of the Society for Psychophysiological Research, Portland, OR. Student Poster Award. 

  111. Wise, K., Yoon, S.-Y., Balakrishnan, B., Alhabash, S., Polivanya, V. (2010). Testing color theory: How different color combinations affect physiological and self-report measures of emotion. Poster accepted for presentation to the 50th annual meeting of the Society for Psychophysiological Research, Portland, OR.

  112. Alhabash, S. & Wise, K. (2010). PeaceMaker: Changing American college students’ attitudes toward Palestinians and Israelis through video games. Poster presented to the Communication Technology Division at the 94th annual conference of the Association for Education in Journalism & Mass Communication, Denver, CO.

  113. Alhabash, S., Park, H. J., & Lee, Y. A. (2010). Facebook and the self: How self-esteem, satisfaction with life, self-consciousness, and general affect inform motivation and intensity of Facebook use. Paper presented to the Communication Technology Division at the 94th annual conference of the Association for Education in Journalism & Mass Communication, Denver, CO.

  114. Lee, Y. A., Alhabash, S., & Frisby, C. (2010). How Facebook influences students’ motivation to learn, affective learning, classroom climate and engagement. Poster presented to the Small Programs Interest Group at the 94th annual conference of the Association for Education in Journalism & Mass Communication, Denver, CO. Honorable Mention.

  115. Kononova, A., Alhabash, S., Wanta, W. (2010). The 2008 Russian presidential election offers new attributes: A first- and second-level agenda-setting analysis of the U.S. media coverage. Paper presented to the Global Communication and Social Change Division at the annual meeting of the International Communication Association, Singapore. 

  116. Kononova, A., Alhabash, S., Cropp, F. (2010). Effects of international stories, previous knowledge, and credibility on images of foreign nations: An image theory perspective. Paper presented to the Inter-Group Communication division at the annual meeting of the International Communication Association, Singapore. 

  117. Alhabash, S., Eckler, P., & Wise, K. (2010). “Window” shopping online: Cognitive and emotional processing of general and specific product windows. Paper presented to the annual conference of the American Academy of Advertising, Minneapolis, MN.

  118. Alhabash, S., Park, H., & Wise, K. (2009). Emotional responses during Facebook use: Two conceptual frameworks. Paper presented to the Communication Technology Division at the 93rd annual conference of the Association for Education in Journalism & Mass Communication, Boston, MA. Top Faculty Paper Award.

  119. Alhabash, S., Kononova, A., & Cropp, F. (2009). International students and Elections ’08: Media influence on political interest, participation, attitudes, efficacy, and trust. Poster presented to the Political Communication Division at the annual conference of the International Association for Media and Communication Research, Mexico City, Mexico. 

  120. Alhabash, S. (2009). Youth 2 youth: Changing Palestinian-American images and stereotypes through Facebook. Paper presented to the Communication and Technology Division at the annual meeting of the International Communication Association, Chicago, IL. 

  121. Alhabash, S., Littau, J. J., Wise, K., Eckler, P. D., & Kononova, A. (2009). The face of Facebook: Emotional responses during online social networking. Paper presented to the Communication and Technology Division at the annual meeting of the International Communication Association, Chicago, IL. 

  122. Kononova, A., Wise, K., Littau, J., Alhabash, S., Eckler, P. (2009). Cognitive and emotional processing while navigating Poster presented to the Information Systems Division at the annual meeting of the International Communication Association, Chicago, IL. 

  123. Eckler, P., Wise, K., Kononova, A., Littau, J., Alhabash, S. (2009). Motivational activation during online shopping. Poster presented to the Information Systems Division at the annual meeting of the International Communication Association, Chicago, IL. 

  124. Wise, K., Alhabash, S., Eckler, P., Littau, J., Kononova, A., Sternadori, M. (2008). Motivational activation during common online activities. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Psychophysiological Research, Austin, TX.

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