Book Chapters
*indicates a student co-author at the time of publication.cates a student co-author at the time of publication.
Cash, S.B., Alhabash, S., Fretes, G., & Ma, M. (2022). Food, beverages, and social media: Trends and tools for economic research. In J. Roosen & J.E. Hobbs (Ed.), A modern guide to food economics. Cheltenham, Glos, UK & Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar Publishing, Inc.
Alhabash, S. Cunningham, C., & Kononova, A. (2019). Who’s American. In M. Len-Rios & E. Perry (Eds.), Cross cultural journalism: Communicating strategically about diversity (2nd ed., pp. 43-76). New York, NY: Routledge.
Alhabash, S., Mundel, J.*, & Hussain, S. A.* (2017). Social media advertising: Unraveling the mystery box. In S. Rodgers & E. Thorson (Eds.), Digital advertising (3rd ed., pp. 285-299). New York: Routledge.
Alhabash, S., Jiang, M.*, Brooks, B.*, LaRose, R., Rifon, N. J., Cotten, S. (2015). Online banking for the ages: Generational differences in institutional and system trust. In L. Robinson, S. R. Cotten, J. Schulz, T.M. Hale, & A. Williams (Eds), Emerald Studies in Communication: Digital Distinctions and Inequalities: Communication and Information Technologies Annual (Studies in Media and Communications, Volume 10) (pp. 145 – 171). Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
Alhabash, S. & Cunningham, C.* (2015). Who’s American. In M. Len-Rios & E. Perry (Eds.), Cross Cultural Journalism: Communicating strategically about diversity (pp. 37 – 62). New York, NY: Routledge.
LaRose, R., Alhabash, S., Jiang, M.*, Shillair, R.*, Tsai, H.-y. S.*, Cotten, S. R., & Rifon, N. J. (2015). Communicating online safety: Protecting our good life on the net. In H. Wang (Ed.), Communication and “the good life”: International Communication Association Annual Conference Theme Book (Vol. 2, pp. 161-180). New York, NY: Peter Lang Publishing, Inc.
Saunders, C.*, Alhabash, S., & Frisby, C. M. (2015). What are you talking about: Differences in Twitter uses and gratification between black and white Twitter users. In C. M. Frisby, How you see me, how you don’t: Essays on stereotypes and representation of media and its effects on minorities, women, and adolescents (pp. 227-260). Mustang, OK: Tate Publishing and Enterprises.
Quilliam, E. T., Alhabash, S., & Alumit-Zeldes, G. (2014). IMC perspective: Are social media social or commercial. In G. E. Belch, M. A. Belch, G. F. Kerr, & I. Powell, Advertising and promotion: An integrated marketing perspective. McGraw-Hill, Sydney.
Wise, K., Alhabash, S. (2013). Counterargument: Evidence of advergame effectiveness. In Pardun, C. J. (Ed.), Advertising and society: An Introduction (2nd ed., pp. 218 – 228). West Sussex, UK: Wiley & Sons, Inc.
van Teeflen, T., Bitar, H., & Alhabash, S. (2005). Resilience in the Palestinian occupied territories. In M. Ungar (Ed.), Handbook for working with children and youth: Pathways to resilience across cultures and contexts (pp. 417-431). Thousand Oaks, CA, London, UK, New Delhi, India: Sage Publications.