Conference Proceedings
*indicates a student co-author at the time of publication.cates a student co-author at the time of publication.
Alhabash, S., Mastin, T., Miracle, G., Mallia, K., Frisby, C., & Lee, W.-N. (2022). Diversity, equity, & inclusion in action: Advertising research, teaching, and practice. In. S. Siegal (Ed.), Proceedings of the 2022 Conference of the American Academy of Advertising.
Alhabash, S., Dong, C., & Ma, M. (2022). Using TPB to predict advertising outcomes for products varying in perceived stigma: The cases of cannabis products, online dating sites, and food delivery services. In. S. Siegal (Ed.), Proceedings of the 2022 Conference of the American Academy of Advertising.
Mundel, J., Read, G., Almond, A., Alhabash, S., & Wilson, J. (2021). Translating consumer neuroscience into advertising research and education. In M. Weinberger (Ed.), Proceedings of the 2021 Conference of the American Academy of Advertising (p. 88).
Alhabash, S., Thorson, K., Drumwright, M., & Pounders, K. (2018). Digital advertising & ethics: Research, teaching, and Practice. In H. Gangadharbatla (Ed.), Proceedings of the 2018 Conference of the American Academy of Advertising: 60th Anniversary, p. 1).
Cunningham, C.*, Almutairi, N.*, & Alhabash, S. (2016). Investigating the effects of colors on advertising effectiveness: Testing Kobayashi’s color theory. In R. Reichert (Ed.), Proceedings of the 2016 Conference of the American Academy of Advertising (p. 192).
Alhabash, S., Kononova, A., Richards, R., Wise, K., & Bailey, R. (2016). Your brain on advertising: Psychophysiological and neuroscientific approaches to studying advertising effects and processes. In R. Reichert (Ed.), Proceedings of the 2016 Conference of the American Academy of Advertising (p. 5).
Al-Riyami, A.*, Almutairi, N.*, Eisele, M.*, Johnson, E.*, Kim, W.*, Lou, C.*, & Alhabash, S. (2015). Psychophysiological responses to likes, shares, comments, and status updates on Facebook. Psychophysiology, 52(S1), S47.
Jiang, M.*, Tsai, H.-y. S.*, Cotten, S., Rifon, N., Alhabash, S., & LaRose, R. (2015). Safe banking online: An investigation of Internet safety literacy and security protection among older adults. The Gerontologist, 55(Suppl 2), 732. doi: 10.1093/geront/gnv367.04
Alhabash, S., Brooks, B. A.*, Jiang, M.*, Rifon, N. J., LaRose, R., & Cotten, S. (2015). Is it institutional or system trust: Mediating the effect of generational cohort membership on online banking intentions. iConference 2015 Proceedings.
Alhabash, S., Quilliam, E. T., McAlister, A. R., Lou, C.*, Richards, J. I. (2014). Is it me or is it just virality?: How motivational reactivity, attitudes, and viral behavioral intentions for alcohol marketing messages on Facebook predict drinking intentions. In J. Huh (Ed.), Proceedings of the 2014 Conference of the American Academy of Advertising (p. 13).
Hagerstrom, A.*, & Alhabash, S., Kononova, A. (2014). Emotional dimensionality and online ad virality: Investigating the effects of affective valence and content arousingness on processing and effectiveness of viral ads. Proceedings of the 2014 Conference of the American Academy of Advertising (p. 109).
Alhabash, S., Sternadori, M., Kim, S. Y. *, & Yang, J. * (2013). Drinking in 140 characters: Effects of alcoholism risk, motivational reactivity, and racial prejudice on evaluations of anti-alcohol tweets by black and white protagonists. In L. Allen (Ed.), Proceedings of the 2nd Annual International Conference on Journalism and Mass Communication.
Alhabash, S., McAlister, A. R., Richards, J. I., Quilliam, E. T., & Lou, C.* (2013). Alcohol’s getting a bit more social: When alcohol marketing messages on Facebook motivated young adults to imbibe. In L. Allen (Ed.), Proceedings of the 2nd Annual International Conference on Journalism and Mass Communication.
Alhabash, S., McAlister, A. R., Rifon, N. J., Quilliam, E. T., Sternadori, M., & Richards, J. I. (2013). A different take on virality: The relationship among motivations, uses, and viral behavioral intentions on Facebook and Twitter. In K. M. Lacendorfer (Ed.), The Proceedings of the 2013 Conference of the American Academy of Advertising (p. 24).
Alhabash, S., & McAlister, A. R., Quilliam, E. T., Rifon, N. J., & Richards, J. I. (2012). Between “likes” and “shares”: Effects of emotional appeal and virality of social marketing messages on Facebook. In K. Kubacki * S. Rundle-Theile (Eds.), Proceedings of the 2012 International Social Marketing Conference (pp. 22-25).
Alhabash, S., & Wise, K. (2012). When we don’t stereotype: Effects of stereotype reduction on processing and effects of advertising messages. In M. Morrison (Ed.), The Proceedings of the 2012 Conference of the American Academy of Advertising (p. 171).
Alhabash, S., Eckler, P. & Wise, K. (2010). “Window” shopping online: Cognitive and emotional processing of general and specific product windows. In W.-A. Lee (Ed.), The Proceedings of the 2010 Conference of the American Academy of Advertising (p. 19).
Alhabash, S., Jahng, M., & Wise, K. (2010). Effects of stereotype reduction on cognitive and emotional processing of advertising. Psychophysiology, 47(s1), S33.
Wise, K., Yoon, S.-Y., Balakrishnan, B., Alhabash, S., & Polivanaya, V. (2010). Testing color theory: How different color combinations affect physiological and self-report measures of emotion. Psychophysiology, 47(s1), S33.
Wise, K., Alhabash, S., Eckler, P., Littau, J., & Kononova, A. (2008). Motivational activation during common online activities. Psychophysiology, 45(s1), S119.